Let Fire Fall - John Arends

The album features 10 original songs by John Gabriel Arends. Each of the songs on this CD are birthed from John's own relationship with the Lord, with solid ties to the Scriptures and a cry for more of Holy Spirit's presence. They are songs of encounter. They are songs of longing from the Bride and the Bridegroom. The project was recorded at Glow in the Dark Studios in Atlanta, Georgia. (Glow in the Dark has recorded many other popular artists and bands, such as Third Day, Casting Crowns, underOATH, Anberlin and more.) Also playing with John on this project are Naomi Taylor, Celeste Cash, Bradley Newell, and Bryan Papic. While the CD was recorded in the studio and is of astounding quality, John and those involved worked deliberately to retain the feel of live worship that honors the present activity of God's Spirit. Parts of the CD are mixed with live worship from John's home church, and parts of the CD contain spontaneous worship that broke forth in the studio. He says, "These are real songs from a local church. These are songs that were written by a little person who is desperate for God. I didn't make this CD so people could have some nice background music in their cars. My desire is for people to encounter the Lord and for them to come right before God's throne. I have met with Jesus using these songs, and I want other people to experience Him too." 

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